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Origin: Tropical America
Average Height: 20 - 40 ft.
Fruit Season: May - June
Cold Hardiness: 25° - 26°F
Fruit description: The fruit is large, deep red, and it is of excellent eating quality. As fruit ripens, the small raised bumps on the fruit surface gradually smooth out and the skin of the fruit turns from pinkish red to a bright purplish red. The inner skin, or endocarp, is distincly pinkish. Fruit is ellipse-shaped with flat shoulders and a round or slightly pointed tip.
More Info: 'Brewster' is one of the most extensively planted commercial varieties in Florida. The tree is a vigorous upright grower that is well suited to Florida. Originally from China, this is one of the most popular varieties in the United States, while also featuring the largest seed. When perfectly ripe, the fruit of a Brewster Lychee is delicious. Like many other lychees it tends to be an alternate bearer producing good crops every two out of three years. While the outside is inedible, peeled lychee fruits have been used for centuries in China and Ugur cultures as baby pacifiers, due to their high nutrient content.
Credit: Ian Maguire, UF/IFAS TREC
Lychee[2] (US: /ˈliːˌtʃiː/ LEE-chee; UK: /ˈlaɪˌtʃiː/ LIE-chee; Litchi chinensis; Chinese: 荔枝; pinyin: lìzhī) is the sole member of the genus Litchi in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae.
It is a tropical tree native to the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of China, where cultivation is documented from 1059 AD. China is the main producer of lychees, followed by India, other countries in Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and South Africa. A tall evergreen tree, the lychee bears small fleshy fruits. The outside of the fruit is pink-red, roughly textured and inedible, covering sweet flesh eaten in many different dessert dishes.
Lychee seeds contain methylene cyclopropyl glycine which can cause hypoglycemiaassociated with outbreaks of encephalopathy in undernourished Indian and Vietnamese children who had consumed lychee fruit.[3][4]