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Ripens: March - April

Tree Height: Up to 40 ft.

Fruit Size: 3 - 8 in.

Weighs: 1 - 6 lbs.

Cold tolerance: 32°F

Fruit Description: Fruit is brown and fuzzy on the outside, but inside the deep golden red-orange pulp is smooth and slightly granular.

More Info: The Mamey Sapote is a large evergreen tropical tree that produces a large fruit that is both sweet and almond-like in flavor and beloved in the Caribbean. Mamey has a very unique rich flavor and is known as a dessert fruit. Sapote fruit is slightly avocado shaped and vary in size. Mamey sapote trees will fruit prolifically when mature, producing 200 to 500 fruits in a season! In Florida, Pantin (Key West) Mamey accounts for the largest acreage, while Magana is the next in importance. These two cultivars make up 95-98% of the acreage.

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Citation: HortTechnology hortte 22, 2; 10.21273/HORTTECH.22.2.263

Pouteria sapota, the mamey sapote, is a species of tree native to Cuba and Central America, naturally ranging from southern Cuba to southern Costa Rica, plus Mexico. Today, the tree is cultivated not only in Cuba, but also in Central America, the Caribbean, and South Florida for its fruit, which is commonly eaten in many Latin American countries. Mamey can be found in many Latin American communities throughout the USA, where it is made into milkshakes and ice cream among other things.

Some of its names in Latin American countries, such as mamey colorado(Cuba),[2] zapote colorado (Costa Rica) and zapote rojo (South America), refer to the reddish colour of its flesh in order to distinguish it from the unrelated but similar looking Mammea americana, whose fruit is usually called "yellow mamey" (SpanishMamey amarillo).[3]

The Australian and Queensland Government’s research and development programs have produced mamey sapote in Australia.