Alan Pur Banesham

Alan Pur Banesham

from $45.00

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Ripens: mid-June to July.

Fiber: No

Origin: India

Tree Size: Over 30 ft.

Fruit Size: 6-7 in.

Typically Weighs: about 1lb.

Description: Medium-sized oblique-oblong shape with thin skin, ranging from green to yellow, overlaid with characteristic corky dots covering the fruit surface. Flesh ranges from yellow to golden-yellow to orange-yellow.

More Info: Considered one of the finest desserts of Northern India, this mid-season bearer is another "condo" variety that can be maintained at a height of just ten feet. The fruit are oblong with green skin and distinctive corky dots that cover the surface, even when ripe. Best harvested mature green and ripened at room temperature like the Mallika.

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