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Ripens: late June to July

Fiber: No

Origin: India

Tree Size: 10-15 ft.

Fruit Size: 4-5 in.

Fruit Typically Weighs: 5-10 oz.

Description: When ripe, skin is greenish-yellow to yellow, pulp is deep orange and highly aromatic. Flesh is saffron-colored. Has a rich, creamy, tender texture and delicate, juicy pulp

More Info: A traditional Indian fruit renowned for its rich flavor and smooth texture. The trees tolerate the abundant rain and high humidity of South Florida very well, which is somewhat unusual for traditional Indian types. This makes the tree a good producer of high quality fruit.

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Photo Credit: Ian Maguire UF/TREC

'Alphonse', often termed 'Alphonso', is among the finest of Indian dessert mangos. Originating in Goa, 'Alphonse' weighs 10 oz, with an ovate-oblique shape. The fruit can be green or a bright yellow depending on the environmental conditions, and they often have a pink blush on the sun-exposed shoulder. The ripening fruit are the perfect accent for the kitchen, perfuming the air with a wonderful sweet and fruity aroma. The flavor also is intensely sweet, rich and full, with multiple aromatic overtones and a hint of citrus. There is no fiber in the orange, melting flesh. 'Alphonse' is best eaten out-of-hand, and is exported from India to specialty markets in Europe, where it is sold for a good price. The fruit are harvested firm, at the mature green stage, and are not refrigerated prior to ripening. Mature-green fruit are ripened at 70F to develop optimal flesh texture, flavor and aroma.
