Dwarf Hawaiian

Dwarf Hawaiian

from $45.00

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Ripens: Sometimes April, mainly June to July

Fiber: Yes

Origin: Puerto Rico

Tree Size: 7-14 ft.

Fruit Size: 4-5 in.

Typically Weighs: 8-16 oz.

Description: The fruit are on the small side, round-shaped and turn red in color. Green-yellow with purple blush

More Info: This mango is now commonly known as ‘Dwarf Hawaiian’ despite actually being from Puerto Rico, where it was given the name ‘Tete Nene’. It was likely a Julie seedling, and its growth habit and foliage resemble that of Julie, as does the flavor. Dwarf Hawaiians are compact, dwarfish trees that require hardly any pruning when young. Flavor is rich with coconut accent, and creamy when ripe.

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