Imam Pasand
Imam Pasand
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Ripens: June - July
Fiber: No
Origin: India
Tree Size: 8-10 ft.
Fruit Size: 10-13 in.
Typically Weighs: 16oz. or more
Description: A beautiful smooth oval at maturity, the skin is a dark green, with distinct white highlights over the entire surface. Upon ripening the fruit can attain a deep yellow blush the shoulders and mid-section.
More Info: One of the best mangos of India, ideally suited for dessert, the table and show.. The tree has a trailing growth habit and is easily controlled by annual pruning. The fruit should be harvested mature green and ripened off the tree at a temperature of 75 to 85 F. Harvesting should occur 2 to 4 weeks before ripening on the tree for the development of the best quality. Properly harvested and ripened fruit have a fiberless, silky flesh with a deep, sweet flavor and distinct citrus overtones. The tree and fruit are tolerant of diseases and require little in the way of special care.
Photo Credit: Ian Maguire UF/TREC
‘Ice Cream’ is small and flattened, weighing 8 oz, with a greenish-yellow color when ready to eat. The skin is thick; yet, tender and easily separating from the fiberless, soft, melting and juicy, yellow flesh. It is the flavor that distinguishes this fruit, with a sweet richness reminiscent of mango sorbet. The fruiting season stretches over a month from June to July. It is perfect for those with limited space or interest in container growing - easily managed to a height of 6 ft. The tree is tolerant of disease, allowing for large harvests with no pesticides.