

from $45.00

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Ripens: March to April / May to June

Fiber: No

Origin: Southeast Asia

Tree Size: 8-15 ft.

Fruit Size: 6-7 in.

Typically Weighs: 9–11 oz.

Description: The fruit are oblong in shape, turning yellow at maturity with nice light red/pink blush covering about half the fruit when sun-exposed.

More Info: Rosigold was selected in south Florida and has received considerable attention in the mango world due to its promotion by Fairchild Tropical Garden and their fruit program over the years. The flavor is rich, aromatic and sweet, with a hint of the Asian Tropics. They are super easy to manage and make wonderful choices for backyard growers with minimal space. They are ultra-early season and typically have two crops, with one occurring from March to April and a second from May to July.

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Photo Credit: Ian Maguire UF/TREC