Sweet Tart

Sweet Tart

from $45.00

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Ripens: July to August

Fiber: No

Origin: Boynton Beach, Florida

Tree Size: 8-14 ft.

Fruit Size: 4-6 in.

Typically Weighs: 12-24 oz.

Description: Fruit are small, yellow at maturity, with an oval-oblong shape similar to ‘Glenn’

More Info: Sweet Tart was a seedling of Zill Indochinese (ZINC) from the breeding project of Gary Zill in Boynton Beach, FL. The flesh is medium-firm, fiberless, and orange in color with poor flesh-to-seed ratio. The flavor is nothing short of amazing, a flavor bomb with intense richness and complexity, its strong tart component like that of a candy that gets balanced out by a big punch of sweetness. As the fruit becomes more ripe, its tart component diminishes as the sweetness becomes cola syrup-like.

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Photo Credit: Ian Maguire UF/TREC