Hog Plum

Hog Plum

from $45.00

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Origin: South Pacific

Season: July to September

Average Height: Up to 50 ft.

Cold Hardiness: 30° - 32°F

Fruit Description: About 1.5 in. long, ovoid yellow, acid, wrinkled when dry. Fruits have a sharp, somewhat acid taste and are edible. Their flesh surrounds a single spiny kernel. Starts out green and then turns to a light golden-yellow when ripe.

More Info: The hog plum, or the yellow mombin as it’s also known, is a species of plum native to the tropical Americas. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the hog plum tree usually reaches anywhere between 50 and 72 ft. in height, and their fruits have spines that are difficult to separate from the pulp.

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Photo Credit: Ian Maguire UF/TREC