

from $45.00

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Parentage: Sweet Orange x Mandarin

Season: Oct-Jan

Seeds: Seedless

Tree Size: 10 - 15 ft.

Tree Size (Dwarf): 8 - 10 ft.

Average diameter (inches): 2-3

Cold: Hardy

Description: Bright orange in color. The rind is smooth, shiny and easy to peel.

More Info: Clementine tangerines are a favorite for young and old alike! It is very sweet, seedless and typically produces 7 - 14 sections. The Clementine is often called the ‘Christmas Orange’, because the fruit ripens during the holiday season, so with this tree you can literally pick fruit as you sit around the Christmas tree. Children love these easy to peel fruits, with no seeds, which are even easier to eat than their tangerine and mandarin cousins. Because they are a hybrid, they do require another Tangerine variety for cross-pollination such as a Page, Orlando Tangelo, Nova, Lee, Robinson or Osceola.

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