Black Sapote

Black Sapote

from $45.00

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Other names: Black Soapapple, Black Persimmon, Chocolate Persimmon, Chocolate Pudding fruit

Origin: Mexico, Central America

Tree Height: 82 ft.

Season: June - August

Cold Hardiness: 28º - 30º F

Fruit Description: Bright-green and shiny at first. Oblate or nearly round. 2-5 in. wide. A prominent, 4-lobed, undulate calyx, 1 1/2-2 in. across, clasping the base. On ripening, the smooth, thin skin becomes olive-green and then rather muddy-green. Within is a mass of glossy, brown to very dark-brown, almost black, somewhat jelly-like pulp, soft, sweet and mild in flavor. In the center may be 1-10 flat, smooth, brown seeds, 3/4-1 in. long, but the fruits are often seedless.

More Info: Known for their chocolate-like flavor and because of this they are typically used for dessert applications like mousse, ice cream or a filling for pies. The dark flesh can be scooped out and eaten raw; however, it is preferably sweetened and added to beverages or ice creams, cakes, and shakes. You can also spread it on toast for a nutritious substitute to chocolate flavored hazelnut spread.

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