Black Surinam Cherry

Black Surinam Cherry
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Other names: Brazilian cherry, Florida cherry, Cayenne cherry, Pitanga
Origin: Surinam, Guyana and French Guiana
Tree Height: 15 ft.
Season: May - June
Cold Hardiness: 20° - 30°F
Fruit Description: Has the appearance of a small pumpkin. 7- to 8-ribbed fruit, oblate, 3/4-1 1/2 in. wide, turns from green to orange as it develops and, when mature, bright-red to deep-scarlet or dark, purplish maroon ("black") when fully ripe. The skin is thin, the flesh orange-red, melting and very juicy.
More Info: Although not related to your standard cherry, it gets its name because the fruit is about the size of a cherry and usually has a single seed (or two) in the center. There are 2 distinct types: the common bright-red and the rarer dark-crimson to nearly black. The deep red, almost black fruited varieties produce sweeter fruit without that tart aftertaste that is specific for Surinam Cherry. An excellent shrub for screens or hedges, with smooth, shiny, aromatic leaves which are bright red when young