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Other names: Cashew Apple, Marañón

Origin: Brazil

Tree Height: 20-30 ft.

Season: Year round

Cold Hardiness: 50°F

Fruit Description: Small to medium in size, averaging 2-4 in. in length, has a bulbous, oval to pear shape. The very thin skin is covered in a waxy, smooth coating. As fruit matures, it ripens to golden-yellow or red, sometimes variegated with a blend of both hues. Under the surface, the yellow flesh is spongy, fibrous, juicy, and soft but also stringy. Attached to the bottom is a double-hulled shell that encases a kidney-shaped, green seed which is the raw form of the well-known cashew “nut.”

More Info: Cashew fruit is considered to be an “accessory” or “false” fruit, which means it does not encase the seeds of the plant inside the flesh. The “true” fruit is the shell that contains the cashew seed attached to the end of the Cashew apple. Cashew fruit is often overshadowed in cultivation by the famous seed, mistakenly called a nut in the commercial market, and is discarded due to its highly perishable nature, often left on the ground as animal feed.

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