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Other names: Achachairu

Origin: Tropical America

Tree Height: 20-30 ft.

Season: December to March

Cold Hardiness: 30°F

Fruit Description: Has an appealing colour and form, very decorative. Round and 2.5-3 in. in diameter. Takes on a reddish-orange shade when mature. Usually one significant coffee-coloured seed, but larger fruit may have more than one seed.

More Info: The Achacha is a highly prized tropical fruit. It has been cultivated for many years in small holdings and domestic orchards in Bolivia’s Amazon Basin. In its home country it is known as achachairú, however given the Aussie propensity for abbreviation, the last three letters have been dropped and the name Achacha adopted – think of the dance and add an A in front. The world’s first commercial plantation was established in 2003 in North Queensland, with fruit appearing in 2009. The taste is described as both bitter and sweet and is somewhat reminiscent of lemonade. The rather tough, bitter rind can be split open with a knife or with the teeth, and the edible part of the fruit sucked off the seed.

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