

from $45.00

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Ripens: June to August

Fiber: No

Origin: Thailand

Tree Size: 3-5 ft.

Fruit Size: 5-8 in.

Typically Weighs: 9-14 oz.

Description: Falan is a green, oblong shape fruit with no blush and a polyembryonic seed, white flesh that is sweet and crunchy.

More Info: A popular green eating variety in Thailand and many South East Asia countries. When translated into English, Falan means Thunder. This variety is given its name because of its tendency, when mature, to split after a thunder storm or heavy rain. Because of this, it should not be picked in rainy weather and irrigation should be turned off before harvest. Falan has a milder flavour than Keo Savoy and is generally eaten as slices in vinegar or fish sauces

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